Social state of the Netherlands 2017 (Summary and Publication)
In The social state of the Netherlands (SSN) report series, which has been published since 2001, the Netherlands Institute for Social Research (SCP) describes and analyses the quality of life of the Dutch population and of different groups within Dutch society. We do that on the basis of indicators for numerous areas of people’s lives: education, employment, income, health, leisure time use, social participation, social safety, housing and residential setting. This report not only describes the objective situation, but also explores the opinions of Dutch people and how they see their lives, for example how much they trust politicians and how satisfied they are with their lives.
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Original title: De sociale staat van Nederland 2017
n The social state of the Netherlands (SSN) report series, which has been published since 2001, the Netherlands Institute for Social Research (SCP) describes and analyses the quality of life of the Dutch population and of different groups within Dutch society. We do that on the basis of indicators for numerous areas of people’s lives: education, employment, income, health, leisure time use, social participation, social safety, housing and residential setting. This report not only describes the objective situation, but also explores the opinions of Dutch people and how they see their lives, for example how much they trust politicians and how satisfied they are with their lives.
This ninth edition of SSN offers an opportunity to look back over a rather longer period than usual, spanning 25 years. This was a period in which the Netherlands experienced great economic prosperity, but also underwent a number of economic crises. In what respects has the Netherlands changed over the last 25 years? How has quality of life developed? These questions run as a common thread through this edition of SSN.