Summary - Caring for older people living at home
Review of care for independent community-dwelling over-75s: problems and future development
Original title: Zorgen voor thuiswonende ouderen
By 2030, there will be more than two million people aged over 75 living in the Netherlands, 720,000 more than today. What will this mean for the demand for care and support? To shed more light on this matter, this literature review not only examined the extent to which the number of older people in Dutch society will increase and where these older people will live, but also considered what the characteristics of the present and future older generation are. After all, factors such as household type, education level, income and digital skills all influence the demand for care.
The growth in the number of older people in society also increases the urgency of finding a solution to the problems experienced in the care for independent community-dwelling older adults. Those problems are also described in this publication.