Summary - Limits to lifelong learning
Lifelong learning is seen as a key means of enabling workers to maintain their employability. In a world of globalisation, robotisation and other technological changes, the need to continue developing appears more relevant than ever before. Despite this, participation in learning activities is stagnating. It is unclear why this is happening.
Original title: Grenzen aan een leven lang leren
Lifelong learning is seen as a key means of enabling workers to maintain their employability. In a world of globalisation, robotisation and other technological changes, the need to continue developing appears more relevant than ever before. Despite this, participation in learning activities is stagnating. It is unclear why this is happening.
In this study we investigate what barriers people experience to participating in education and training. We also examine whether those barriers vary across different groups. We look at people’s attitudes to learning, their personal circumstances and the degree to which the support from employers and the provision of educational and training programmes meet their needs.