
125 publications

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  1. Summary - Report on sport 2018

    The Report on sport 2018 (Rapportage sport 2018) is the sixth edition in a series which began in 2003 and in which researchers ...

    Publication | 12-12-2018

  2. Summary - Poverty Survey 2018

    card stack

    Publication | 23-11-2018

  3. Summary - The SCP method for measuring poverty

    Recalibration and review

    Publication | 23-11-2018

  4. Summary - LGBT Monitor 2018

    The life situation of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in the Netherlands

    Publication | 21-11-2018

  5. Summary - Cultural life in the Netherlands

    Ten cultural domains viewed from fourteen core themes

    Publication | 18-11-2018

  6. Summary - Eritrean asylum status holders in the Netherlands

    A qualitative study of their flight from Eritrea and their lives in the Netherlands

    Publication | 16-11-2018

  7. Summary - Displacement on the labour market

    Description and perceptions

    Publication | 31-10-2018

  8. (Un)healthy lifestyles

    Education as a dividing line

    Publication | 22-10-2018

  9. Summary - Divisions and the ties that bind

    A review of the role of civil society in relation to the arrival of refugees

    Publication | 06-09-2018

  10. Summary - From sheltered employment to Participation Act

    How have people on the waiting list for sheltered employment fared?

    Publication | 05-09-2018